
Hi! My name is Scarlett, and I am a cat. I want to tell my story, because I think you will enjoy the exciting life I lead. People really don’t understand us cats, so maybe by reading my story; you will realize that a cat’s life is filled with adventure and some very exciting things we do.

First, let me give you some of my history.

Before I was born, it was really crowded in my mother’s belly. I don’t know how many kittens were in there; all I know is that everywhere I looked there was somebody else. I tell you, it was so crowded that my tail got bent. It is still bent to this day, but that’s okay with me, it is one of many characteristics that set me a part and makes me unique and special. I haven’t seen another cat with a tail just like mine. Wherever I go people make comments about my black nose. Seems that is something else unique about me.

Another thing happened to me before I was born. I developed smaller than my brothers and sisters. Probably that was the result of the crowded belly of my mom. People said I was the runt of the litter. I didn’t really understand what that meant, but I’m okay with that too, because people seem to love little things better than big things. So when they see me now, they get all giddy and say, “Oh! Isn’t she so cute?”

Well, I was born with all my brothers and sisters and spent a few weeks fighting them for my mother’s milk. I don’t think I did too well at that game, because I remained the smallest one of the family and the only one with a crooked tail. But I was really pretty. None of the others were quite as pretty as me.

After a few weeks, my brothers and sisters began to disappear. I don’t know what happened to them, but one by one someone would pick them up and I never saw them again. I couldn’t understand what was happening. When someone picked me up, they looked at me, smiled and put me back in the box. Before long I was the only one left. That’s when the box I was in went on a trip. My mother’s owner took me and the box to a place where people take unwanted kittens like me.

I lived in my temporary home, a wire cage for a little while. One day a young couple, both with blond hair, came and took a look at me. When the tall man came near I reached out and touched him. After I touched him a few times, I must have won him over because they took me to their home. I still don’t know why they chose me, but I think maybe they didn’t see my crooked tail, they only saw how beautiful I am in my black and white coat and black nose. There is still another mystery that puzzles me. Why in the world did they name me Scarlett? I heard someone say that scarlet is a color like red, but I am just black and white so that doesn’t make sense. Someday maybe I’ll understand the meaning of my name.

When we got to my new home, I was quite surprised that they had two other cats. They were older and much bigger than me. I settled in as best I could but never really liked those other two cats. They seemed aloof and not very friendly. I guess they saw me as an intruder and competition for the love of the family. It was a good thing that they didn’t fight me because they were really big and I don’t think I would have handled that very well. I am a lover not a fighter.
I worked hard to gain the love of my two owners. I cuddled up to them every chance I got. People visiting the family called me a lap cat. I didn’t know what that meant either, but I think it was a good thing. I think they liked me sitting on their laps whenever the occasion presented itself.

One day everything changed. They came home with a very little person. They called it their baby. This baby had a name. They called him Hudson. Anyway, I had a very hard time with this change of circumstances. Suddenly I felt left out. Cuddling became a rare event. All their attention went for little Hudson. I finally got really mad. I had to find a way to get that little guy out of there. He took my place and didn’t even ask. All he did was cry and sometimes so loud it hurt my ears.

I made a plan. I found where he was sleeping and when he woke up and they took him out, I made my way to his bed. I pooped and peed on his pillow. Wow, when they discovered that they really got angry. That seemed to make things worse. But I just couldn’t help myself, poop and pee where my only weapons. I just had to get rid of that kid.

It wasn’t too long thereafter that some visitors came to the house and one lady took a shine to me. She really loved my cuddling and nestling into her lap. I don’t know why, but a few days later she came back. I was placed into a little contraption and whisked into a car. I was a little scared. I had no idea what was happening or where I was going. I just had no way out. I was trapped. I meowed a lot just because I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

After a long drive, the car stopped and I was taken into another house. I didn’t know what to make of it. They placed the contraption I was in on the floor and opened one end. But I was still scared stiff. I had no idea where I was and what was out there. I huddled in and waited a very long time.

I watched from my vantage point in that contraption, wondering if there were any other cats in this place. Surprisingly none showed up. After hours past, I decided that it was safe to get out and explore. After all I needed to poop and pee and needed to find food and water.

My exploration revealed that I was the only cat in the house. That was a good thing, I had no competition! My excellent nose quickly helped me find a nice clean and convenient litter box. That took care of the pooping and peeing. Now I needed to find the chow.

My nose didn’t fail me there either as I found a nice white bowl with some dry cat food. It wasn’t bad, but I sure wished these humans would give me some wet food. The water was good too and plenty of it.

With the pooping, peeing, drinking and eating out of the way, it was time to explore this new territory for some fun stuff to do. Little did I know, I was here on a test basis and if things didn’t go well, I would be shipped back to the old place with that little kid and those other two cats. I sure didn’t want that to happen. This place was really nice and I had the whole place to myself.

I cautiously explored each room and the furniture gave me the chance to do some jumping. I just love to jump up on things, the higher the better. I guess I like to show off a bit. After all I am one agile cat. And I have zero fear of heights.
I feared a bit that in one of these rooms another cat was going to surprise me. Worse yet, was there another little person hiding somewhere in this place too? But thankfully neither cat nor kid was found. The only exceptions were a few instances when I did got a brief scare from one of the cat statues placed around the house. I came around a corner and there staring me stone faced was one of those cat statues. At first they seemed to be so real, but my smart nose told me different. I was relieved, still no competition.

I really loved this place. There were so many little nooks and crannies for me to crawl into or jump onto to take my naps. I had a real paradise of sleeping spots. Sometimes, they couldn’t find me. I really got a kick out of that when it happened. I heard them frantically calling my name and just laid there for a while and had a good laugh.

The thing I really liked about this place was that there was always something new to get into or under. Umbrellas, boxes, coolers, suitcases, and who knows what they brought into my world and I got to climb in or got under and curled up into. Whenever I got into something new, the man of the house grabbed some little contraption and some how took my picture. Here’s a few of my favorites.

Cool Umbrella, note the matching colors!


The Cooler before the ice packs . . .


Found this box and laid claim to it!

As you can see, I do have a great time. I am beginning to think I could be a model for companies selling stuff for cats. I really find it fun to annoy the man of the house. He goes into his office every morning and I make it a point to get on his lap and poke his arm when he’s trying to do something on his computer.


I figure it must be fun if he does it every morning so I tried it out myself. The computer was warm and made some funning noises when I laid down on it but it didn’t last long. I don’t know why he took me off, I didn’t break anything.


Napping on the laptop, warm and cozy.


Napping on the Lounger, someone turn off the light please!

There is no loss for inventive places to grab a few winks. Just take a look at these pictures and you’ll get the idea. Napping is my favorite pastime, and I am very good at it. I can nap just about anywhere and at any time.


                                                     Man of the house with me.


I really get into this nap thing in my bed.

This is a favorite place because it’s up there.

I like altitude, just a thing with me. The higher the better for me. Another thing about this place is they leave stuff lying here and during the night when they are sleeping I get a real kick out of knocking them off and then kicking them around the house. Sometime I even get to knock them down the stairs.


Now this is as high as I can get in my special tree house. the top shelf of my tree.
It’s cool up here; I get to see stuff from here.


I snuck under the covers, shhhhh, don’t tell anyone.

I have become very creative with my napping positions. Since that is what I do most of the time, I figured I might as well make each one as unique as possible. So positioning became my daily challenge. I know I have scored a good one when the man of the house scrambles for his camera or cell phone to capture a picture of my new gymnastic position. I think he’s jealous because he can’t possibly get into these positions.

Next to napping, I love to jump onto the banister. That just drives the man of the house bonkers. I haven’t figured out why, but here are a few shots he took before ordering me down.



Here is my Banister Pose

Every morning, the man the house is first to get up. I race him down stairs and take my begging for fresh food position. He just can’t help yielding to my beautiful face as I look up to him.

I don’t need to say a word, with this look the food comes fast.


But if this doesn’t work I have this one up my sleeve.

Another favorite pastime of mine is to lay claim to anything new. In this case it’s the man of the house computer brief case.


The briefcase lying position

Lying for a few minutes on the counter, and I am on it like flies on a cow pie. I have never seen flies on cow pies, but I have heard that phrase for a similar situation. I hope I use it correctly here to get my point across.


 My favorite spot on the couch. Is this what’s called a couch potato?


This is my look-out spot. I am here because every once in a while a cat shows up on the other side of that door. We look at each other, sometimes for a long time, and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I guess it’s good that there is a glass window between us.

Here are a few more pictures to show my creativity. If you ever come to visit us, I’ll be sure to grace you with a nap on your lap!


Hiding in a closet, door was left open, inviting to me!


The only problem lying on the bed is it’s so big, choosing the right spot can be daunting.


This is s big box, so I just couldn’t resist exploration.

Well dear readers, that’s my story. I hope it gives you a look into the life of a cat. I really have a great life. I offer you one last little tidbit before I sign off. The man of the house just goes crazy when I jump up onto the bathroom sink. The reason is he sees me eyeing the ledge of the shower wall. I love to jump up there and it really annoys the heck out of him. So in order to counter my temptation, he fires up this little gadget he has on his night table. Suddenly there’s this bright little red spot on the floor. I go crazy chasing it as it flits around the bedroom floor. I still can’t figure out why I can’t seem to catch it.

Thanks for reading my story!



4 thoughts on “Scarlett”

  1. We love Scarlett and enjoyed her story. Scarlett would be an awesome children’s book…Sami says she would love to be in the front row listening to you read it her and the other kids with Scarlett in your lap. Maybe you can come to my school and read it someday. 🙂

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