My Cup Runs Over

Psalm 23:5 

New King James Version

5 .   .   .  My cup runs over.


David’s psalm has become one of the most quoted biblical passages. I always enjoy exploring the details of such passages. Finding not so obvious meanings embedded in the fine points of the text fascinates me. “My cup runs over” begs exploration.

What does it take for someone to proclaim, “My cup runs over”? In the context of David’s life, he must have recognized that God had given him more than he asked for and maybe more that he thought he needed. David suffered with many enemies. He relied on God for guidance and strength. Experience revealed to David that God not only heard him but responded to him in a generous and even lavish way.

What about me? Can I say that “my cup runs over”?

Life has taught me that without doubt or question, when considering my reliance on my God, my cup runs over day after day. This recognition prompts and even compels profound gratitude. Imagine asking for what I think I need and God providing more. The more He provides is what our omniscience God knows what I really need in the moment. From my perspective, my cup just ran over. I got more than I asked for. What a God!

When I see how God loves me, despite my weaknesses and failings, gratitude in the extreme brings joy untold.

But just how and when does “my cup run over”?

I am driving to a funeral service. I stop at a traffic light. No cars in front of me, a small line of cars to my right. I seldom if ever check my rearview mirror while awaiting a light to change. But suddenly, I feel the urge to peer into the mirror. I see a car racing toward me at a speed and distance that tells me it’s never going to be able to stop. I glance both ways and floor the accelerator storming through the red light.  Another glance at the mirror reveals that car screaming through the intersection with smoke billowing from all four tires as the driver attempts to stop. My cup ran over big time. How could I not profusely thank my God for what just happened. I didn’t ask for that. But God provided just when He knew I needed it.

I am at an intersection about to make a right turn. Looking to my left to see a break in the traffic so I can execute my turn. When the break comes I hit the brakes hard instead of the accelerator. I look to my right and there is a pedestrian walking in front of the car. Had I hit the accelerator, I would have hit him and possibly killed him. Again, God caused my cup to run over. I didn’t ask, but He provided.

My book, Solomon’s Recipe, documents many of “my cup runs over” experiences.

What are your “my cup runs over” experiences? Search them and experience the profound gratitude that fills your soul.



The important recognition that God’s love is so deep for me that He causes my cup to runover at the precise moment it is needed is my turning point. God listens to me and adds His wisdom to His answers to bless me. Authentic gratitude springs forth from such recognition.

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